The garden is waking up…

It finally feels like spring is in the air. The early flowers are blooming, roses have fresh leaves, the soil is warming up. Butterflies are coming out of cocoons and the bees are waking up. The blossoms have emerged on the fruit trees. Spring always feels like a time of renewal, everything seems fresh and clean and the same goes for your garden.

I challenge you to sit in your space and dream of what your want it to look like. What colors, sounds, smells come to mind? What do you want to feel in the space? Do you not know where to begin? Contact us to schedule a consult to help with garden design and how to plant your most productive summer garden using regenerative farming methods.

What to do in your garden in March?

In March, it is a great time to access your space and decide how many veggies you want to plant for your summer garden. Be sure to pull weeds now as the temperatures heat up they will spread seeds. Replace weeds with mulch to hold in the moisture from the spring rains. For those that planted cover crop this is the month to cut it back. Cut the cover crop back, leaving at least 2 inches of grass and roots in soil. You can chop up the tall grass clippings and spread throughout other areas of your garden to add green manure back to your planting areas. Just a reminder that cover crops are immensely beneficial because they add nutrients, biodiversity in the soil, and create a soil sponge with the roots to hold all the water in from winter rains. Prune back woody plants to allow new growth to come through. Enjoy all the life coming back to your garden!!


Planning for a bountiful summer garden…


What to do in your garden in February?