Planning for a bountiful summer garden…

The soil is warming up as are the temperatures! It is the perfect time to get your spring / summer garden in place. Be sure to plant plenty of pollinator flowers along with your veggies or fruit. The bee’s are needed to work in the garden and pollinate some of the veggies. In addition, the pollinator flowers create beautiful cut flower gardens too. Not to mention all the hummingbirds, birds and butterflies that come when you plant them.

What veggies and fruit do you love to eat? I always plant excess to give to dear neighbors and family in the area. In the summer our family dinners are sustained and planned around the bountiful garden!

Here is how to prep your planting areas if you did NOT cover crop through the winter: Add very good organic compost at least 2-3 inches on top. Do not mix the new compost in, mixing the soil breaks up the natural clumps and soil sponge. When you plant you will dig a hole through the compost and existing soil for the new plant. Once the bed is fully planted add in a good layer of straw mulch to keep all the compost, soil and hydration in from the spring rains. Typically I plant early May in full sun. If you your garden is not in full sun, then wait until mid-May for the perfect planting time.

At Luma Front Yard Farming we believe no one has a black thumb, but instead you do not have living soil. If this is the year you decide you want a bountiful, beautiful garden, we are here to help! We specialize in seasonal planting guides, soil health and of course larger scale projects of design and hardscape!


May Flowers


The garden is waking up…