Nature Is Our Best Teacher

July’s summer heat has been quite oppressive for us humans! The summer veggies and flowers are loving it. For tomato plants that have set fruit, you can dial back your watering a bit so that you the fruit doesn’t get water logged and mushy. Typically I will water tomato plants no more than once per week to allow the tomatoes to burst with flavor. If you planted corn, be sure to shake the grassy tops to help the seeds fall into the budding cobs and pollinate the corn kernels.

You can still add veggies to your summer garden. I need to add my favorite Delicata squash. If you haven’t yet tried it I highly recommend it! My daughter and I are also planting our zinnias we seeded a bit ago.

We can take many tips from nature about how to be present and the enjoy the moment. Sterile environments like perfectly manicured hedges and lawns don’t have any life living there. Do you typically see lots of bees and birds in those type of environments? Definitely not.

Nature likes disorganization and likes things a little messy. Did you know that nature really knows how to take care of itself when we use methods of least disturbance? When trees drop leaves they are doing it to protect roots over winter and create homes for all the biodiversity that live near the tree.

When flowers have bloomed and all that is left is the tall stalks and seed pods, it is better to leave them. The birds will take the small twigs to make nests and crack open the seed pods to replant in the soil.

Did you know weeds grow to try to heal the soil? When soil is disturbed thistle and blindweed grow in the open spaces. The best way to get rid of weeds and build healthy living soil is to use the chop and drop method. Chop the weed at about 1 inch tall, cut up the weed trimmings and leave them on the ground. The dead weed will mimic the grazing method of animals and add nutrients back to the soil. Soil covered in weeds is far better for the planet than bare dry soil. At least soil covered in weeds is trying to build back the healthy soil and has the ability to hold water with the roots that are growing.

We don’t always need to be in a hurry to clean up the weeds, dried leaves and spent flowers. Nature knows what to do when we give it a chance to take care of itself.

We can mimic this in our own lives to not be in such a hurry to clean it all up. Nature is our best teacher!!


It is only going to get hotter…


Wool - Garden Gold