At Luma Front Yard Farming it is our mission to educate and advocate for regenerative farming. We believe healthy soil leads to a healthy planet, which leads to healthy humans.
Luma Front Yard Farming is an organization that built its roots on regenerative farming. We advocate through our passion and expertise to create healthy living soil. Using the cycles of nature we build a beautiful, healthy garden that fits your needs. Using ecological gardening we are able to construct living ecosystems filled with biodiversity in your own garden.
Caitlin, our founder was featured on the Beyond the Vines podcast with Amy Ahlers.
Caitlin discussed the techniques of regenerative farming and how to use it in your own gardens!
Check out the full podcast here: Beyond The Vines
Food that is grown steps from your door is so much more nutrient packed, flavorful and beautiful than food that has to be trucked in from miles away. Growing a food forest can also be beautiful when paired with companion flowers.
Grow a bountiful food garden.
Beautiful spaces in harmony with nature.
We will create a beautiful space while taking into account the natural cycles of nature to build a healthy ecosystem. Cut flower gardens are stunning while also being beneficial for nature’s most sacred organisms…bee’s, hummingbirds, and butterflies.
Nourishing healthy soil for a healthy planet.
When growing a healthy garden, it is crucial to take into account soil health. Healthy soil is filled with structures and organisms that hold onto more water while also taking in excess carbon from the atmosphere for a healthier planet.